Worldschooling, what is it?

This is worldschooling in action!  Cake and Eat it 3 on top of Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the British Isles.  Miss B was 10 when she did it and we were so proud (1 of 4 treks we did that year overseas).  It was her idea to climb Ben Nevis, she researched it, trained for fitness and achieved her goal – as a bonus she was rewarded with seeing her very first snow! You can read more about our experience here or see our youtube video

This is just one example of the sort of real life experiences that provide endless educational opportunities to children (and parents) who travel.

Opportunities to learn are all around you

Education and learning opportunities are around us everywhere in everything we do.  Whatever they are doing when travelling. By taking them outside of their comfort zones trying new things.  Like white water rafting in Bali or Trekking Trolltunga, their learning is increased exponentially. Travelling introduces you to new cultures, time zones, food, patience and tolerance of all things travel. 

They will learn from travel delays, different weather and seasons. Layovers, communicating with people of all age levels, languages and learn alternative ways of doing things. These are all opportunities for your family to grow. Grow in confidence, knowledge and compassion. Just a few traits that you will be amazed to see develop naturally before your eyes while travelling.

We are a family of 4. Our eldest daughter is now an adult. Due to career she does not come with us now we are full-time.  She has also done a lot of travelling with us to over the years. We all LOVE travelling, no surprises there!  Our daughters are one of the few people, that get excited the longer the flight or drive is LOL!  With over 20 years of travelling experience there is a lot to share about our travels in Australia and overseas.  We have tented, backpacked and love roadtripping by campervan and Motorhome.

Now travelling fulltime, education plays a BIG part in our travels and our blog reflects that.  We aim to share as many educational resources for the whole family we find on our travels.  All of us really enjoy learning from cultures, places, people and the wonderful experiences and opportunities you are exposed to while travelling.

Come worldschool with us and join in our learning experiences at home in Australia and abroad.