Burke & Wills worksheet

Worksheet on Burke and Wills

Fun, educational and learning all about who Burke & Wills were and where their expedition took them, in this worksheet.

Have you used Cake and Eat it 3’s worksheets before know you’re going to love it and just want to buy it now? 

Great for travelling families heading north from Victoria that will follow the route of the expedition of Burke & Wills. 

9 pages covering subject areas like geography, history, english (writing and comprehension) and including a revision crossword.

Ideal for travellers and home schooling too.

This worksheet contains information on Burke and Wills, their expedition, what they took, where they went, where to find and visit the dig tree and troubles they encountered.here to find and visit the dig tree.

Another worksheet on explorers of Australia.  Australia is famous for it’s outback roads that seem to go on forever. 

What better time for learning, than while on the move.  Keeping the kids occupied in the car on these long road trips and able to connect to the distances of the expeditions and where they were.

Everything you need to complete the worksheet is contained within the worksheet.

Helping families educating on the road with learning on the move.  

Check out our other kids travel worksheets here.

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