SchoolingTravel Australia

Schooling while you Travel what did we take?

Schooling while you travel is different for everyone. So what you take is too.

Some things that need to be taken into consideration. 

How old are your kids?

How many kids do you have?

How long are you going for?

This is what works for us.

A lot of information is available on the web that outlines the negatives and positives of each available schooling option.

You need to make the decision that best suits your family and travelling style.

Like most of you, we spent quite a considerable amount of time researching the options available.

One of the most popular pages on our site is our Educational websites and resources followed closely by Educational places of interest Australia by State.  We also put together Kids Travel Worksheets for Australia and International these aim to help kids retain information on their travels.  We put these together based on all our research and previous travels. We add to them regularly.

Please take into consideration that we are travelling indefinitely.  We also do international travel and it goes without saying, all the below does not go with us overseas.

Space is Precious

Space when travelling is very important to all of us.  We would like to share with you what we took and how we store it, providing links where possible.

This will help you plan and organise your learning space for Schooling while you travel!

We have a parent box and a student box 2 x 14 litre Sistema Containers (494L x 322W x 138H mm) regularly available at Woolworths supermarkets. Miss B then has a 3.8 Litre Sistema container with Storage Tray for Pencils Pens Highlighters Rubbers Sharpener Rulers Glue sticks and so on. 

Miss B has a black file (in photo) which has multiplication games, a writing pad and other bits and pieces for in the car.

They stack on top of each other for easy and tidy storage. If more than one child you can easily adapt to additional containers to accommodate more resources.

Parent Box

This is where we put any backup supplies, along with teacher resources like a copy of Australian Curriculum for Miss B’s year level.

Here is a list of what is in our Parent box.  We do have other supplies that we have access to in our Office box (hole punch, stickytape, stapler, etc).

Parent Box Contents..

Grammar, Math and Spelling Essential Terms Cheat Sheets by RIC Publications which are fabulous.

Australian Curriculum Learning Area Content Descriptions for Miss B current year level and as we are a little OCD right through to end of primary school too.

Power Thought cards by Louise Hay  –  we love to start the day on a positive note

Leftover Lettering scrapbooking bits n pieces for projects, cards and penpal letters

Spelling Essentials and Essential Facts and Tables again by RIC Publications

Some art projects that are good for rainy days, A Fabric Owl for sewing skills and an Engraving Art Project that she will LOVE and will take a great deal of patience.  Any art project flatter the better (hence engraving art project).

Fake Money in Australian Denominations $100, $50.00, $20.00, $10.00, $5.00 so we can do some work on money/change, this is in addition to having monopoly which has so many lessons in it.

Tub or container of buttons for counting, place value lessons, pattern making, backup game pieces the list goes on… Most Dollar shops have them.

National Geographic Cultural Activity Pad has loads of fun Puzzles, Quizzes and activities from all around the world which Miss B loves doing!!  We actually have one of these in the car pack to, because she loves them.

Blutack and Self Adhesive Magnet strips – so I can make additional resources for whiteboard work easily on the road.

Getting Started with Home Schooling Practical Considerations, Learning Materials for the Homeschool and Practical Homeschooling Diary all by Beverley Paine and available from her website The Educating Parent.  Another amazing resource (which Cake and Eat it 3 is listed in) is the 2017 The Educating Parent Resource Directory.

Scrap Paper, Writing Paper and Coloured Paper

Scholastic Sheets, Verbs Nouns Adjectives, Days of week, Seasons, World Families, Australia Map States Territories, Times Tables, Number Patterns, Shapes and more. Bright Colourful and Fun.  Laminated to protect them and allow them to be used outdoors.

But wait theres more!

Small Plastic Clock that can be moved to practice times and allow touch and feel.  Hour and Minute Hands with individual minutes noted.

Base Ten set for Place Value learning, I made my own set, headings that had Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Ones all magnetic so we can use on whiteboard.

I then bought some strong gold magnets to use as counters for place value without pictures (got them at Officeworks).  So easy to make with a colour printer and time!  Probably in hindsight would not bother with units as too small and too easily lost, just use the round magnets. All the bits fit in the smallest Sistema container – Bonus!

Whiteboard Markers Thick and Thin

USB Drives for printing off worksheets and resources, if large files we do them at Officeworks

Scrap Books for drawing and Art, a favourite subject of Miss B.

French/English Dictionary as we want to learn more French while travelling in addition to Auslan (Sign Language)

Student Box

We put the day to day lesson material and workbooks in the Student Box.  This means less to be getting out each day and so she knows everything she needs is in that one box.

Suitable Year Level reading books, we are focusing on Roald Dahl this year so also have his collection with us. When we finish a book we either exchange with other travellers or gift it to other homeschoolers.  They are fabulous books with excellent additional resources available online to enhance the learning experience.

Australian Signpost Math by Pearson for Miss B year level which is in line with Australian Curriculum

Grammar Conventions by Teachers 4 Teachers

Geography Now by Teachers 4 Teachers

My Spelling Journal by RIC Publications

Oxford Australian Curriculum Atlas Years 3-4available at Officeworks

Magnetic A4 Whiteboard (and back up whiteboard) we use this A LOT it is my absolute must have item.

Scrapbook, paper, notepad

Dictionary & Thesaurus

Reference Library

A huge reference library we created in advance of youtube clips and tutorials, worksheets and educational resources also backs up lesson content. We have downloaded as much as possible while we were still on unlimited wifi for all the places of interest we intend to visit.

Electronic Devices

We have samsung tablets and changed our phones to samsung phones (still adjusting but awesome camera) the benefit of having a samsung tablet is you can connect a USB easily to the tablet so all your hard work writing lesson plans, downloading guides and activities are easily transferred for the sites being seen that day.  This saves a lot of data usage while on the road.

In fairness it is surprising how many apps are not available on Google Play.  We do have an apple device which until it dies I will hold on to for access to ‘the other side’.

Fantastic portable printer/scanner that we had to have for work/investments anyway.  It is a HP 150 Officejetall-in-one. This link is for the newer model HP Officejet 200

We also have a laptop that I use to prepare or access a lot of the lessons on.  I saved various educational sites and memberships in advance so we are not using data looking for supporting documents and information while on the road.  This is how the Educational Websites and Resources page came to be.

As we continue to travel we will share resources, as we come across them on our travels.  Hope to meet some of you out there.  Don’t forget to follow us on FacebookInstagram,Pinterest and on Youtube.

Happy schooling while you travel.

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