Travel Australia

Housesitting while you travel

House sitting while you travel

Our first housesitting experience with an actual housesitting agency. What did we think and would House sitting australiawe recommend it.

We are fulltime on the road and had not considered housesitting with a formal housesitting group before now.  Basically, as we travel too fast normally and have such a large rig, we felt it would be too difficult.

One of the most attractive things about housesitting while you travel, is free accommodation. No doubt it can save you a lot when travelling fulltime.  There are many ways to save money fulltime travelling and we have written and shared tips on this before. We normally free camp so this isn’t a big deal for us.

Never say Never

When you are fulltime travelling you have to be very flexible and your ability to change direction or plans, will greatly impact the enjoyment of your travels.

In April of this year, Brett had a work accident (he had been offered three months work before we flew out to Europe) and gratefully took it.  Any boost of cash on the road is good, right?!  Most of the time.  Anywho, he lost three front teeth clean out of his head and so began an upheaval and readjustment of Cake and Eat it 3’s 2019 plans. We pride ourselves on being able to readjust when things go wrong or off course, but there may or may not have been some gritted teeth, a few extra red wines and pouty faces, with this news.  (Not to mention knowing I had to deal with our travel insurer, but that's another post)

Situated in outback Western Australia the nearest specialists he required, were in Perth.  So, we relocated to Perth and knowing he would need surgery and multiple followup visits we decided to  look into housesitting opportunities.

Aussie House Sitters

We were recommended to Aussie house Sitters by a fellow travelling family and happily took their discount code to save on the membership cost!  We can also offer you a discount code for anyone looking into giving housesitting while you travel a go – drop me a private message or email and I will shoot the discount code straight back saving you $10 off your membership fee!

House sit in AustraliaThe website was easy to use, selecting areas, details of the requirements of the home owner and online platform to communicate with them and arrange a meet and greet.  You can ask any questions, in our case, will our rig fit!

You can also search by date range which is helpful if you need to be in a particular area, at a certain time.

Once you agree on all the details, you confirm in your membership portal and arrive on the date nominated.

We were very lucky to have been left concise instructions on the animals (3 horses and 3 dogs) we would be looking after. This includes, feeding, health, who to contact if you get a runaway! (which we needed!!  One of our charges fancied himself a harry Houdini fan) Along with emergency contact numbers, location of gas/meter box, wifi details, contact details while they were away and of course Netflix password – something new for us.

What did we love about housesitting while you travel

One thing on the road you miss is having pets! Bonus here!! You get to love them, remember what it is like feeding, cleaning up after them and being home at a reasonable time so your not feeding them in the dark and hand them back, all loved up!


Ok this is an obvious one, definitely took advantage of having a bath, something you definitely don’t get on the road!

Aren’t you glad there were not pictures of this one!

Cooking / Baking

My first LOVE cooking and baking.  Now, I am very fortunate to have an oven in our motorhome and my beloved weber BBQ. It is not so much I can’t cook or bake if I wanted to, but you must give consideration to how much gas is being used and the size of the dish you are trying to cook (ie. Sweet potato with paprika chips).  Also, equipment needed to make some recipes, space required, access to produce and the mess it can make.  You get the idea!

I also love trying new recipes and after being gifted lots of home grown limes, ended up making three lots of Key Lime Pies (some as gifts).  Thai lettuce cups featured more than once too, in celebration of such wonderful fresh produce. Yum!!

Other family favourites cooked beef ragu, Thai Lettuce Cups, Chocolate Self Saucing Pudding, Potato Skin Nachos, Apple & Rhubarb (fresh from garden) pie and banana muffins to name a few.

Chicken Curry w/lime

Chicken Curry with Lime

Key Lime Pies

Key Lime Pie

Thai Chicken Lettuce Cups

Thai Chicken Lettuce Cups

Potato Skins Nachos

Baking while housesitting


My second LOVE gardening, weeding, pruning you name it I find it so relaxing and earthy.  Just loved pottering around and making myself useful in the garden.

Brett also loved splitting the wood pile and storing it for them, I think they have two – three years worth of wood now!

Maintenace on rig

Boy oh boy, was this great.  Totally cleaned out, everything washed sheets, doonas, mattress protectors, towels you name it, it was cleaned!  Floors scrubbed, seals cleaned, fridge emptied and cleaned.  Absolutely. Everything. The rig had never looked so good!

Even the contents of our trailer was taken out, cleaned and repacked.

The opportunity to put our rig in for a service, was not missed.  As you can imagine, you never know how long they may need your ‘home’ when servicing or undertaking repairs/upgrades.  Not to mention we have a very good mechanic in Perth who we gladly wait till we are in Perth, to ensure that both the job done AND price, is right.  This is invaluable when it is your home and you are living in it fulltime.  It can be difficult when your rig needs to be worked on and this is the perfect time to get on top of maintenance issues!

Computer Work/Unlimited Power

We used this time to catch up with paperwork, do tax (quite a big job for us), file homeschooling documents or photos that may have been missed into folders for reference/reporting ect.

Backup laptops onto external hard drives.  This alone takes us hours.  Ensuring your data and photos is safe is imperative.

Download bank statements and save to folders.  If you haven’t read my post – Have you checked your bank statements check it out here.

Working online you appreciate the opportunities when power is not the enemy!  Although having said that, I did find a helpful laptop charger for those of you on the road which you can check out the video here.

New friends and old

Apart from the home owners, we connected with so many locals during our housesit.  In particular, we were VERY fortunate to have a beautiful family next door who homeschool their four kids and had kids either side of Miss B’s age.  She had a BALL climbing trees, building cubbies, playing Minecraft. The whole time one of the dogs from our housesit (Bonnie, a Jack Russell) was by her side.  Gorgeous little girl who we will missed dearly.

Our next housesit (yep, going back for more!) is not far away and we will definitely be arranging a playdate/catchup!

Some of you will know, we have a grown up daughter, who currently lives in Perth who we also love catching up with.  One of the reasons we always find our way back here sooner or later.

Miss B has friends from when she went to school here in Perth (many moons ago) that we also caught up with.  It is great that she has kept these friendships and keeps in touch when she is away travelling.

It’s a wrap

So as you can see, we thoroughly made the most of our time housesitting! Like a lot of opportunities when the time is right, you take it. If you are wanting to delve into the world of housesitting in Australia and would like a discount referral code -drop me a line on any of the socials or email.

Savings made from couple of days of housesitting pays for the twelve months membership, so not hard to see the value!

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Comments (2)

  1. Hello,

    Thanks for all your helpful tips, we will be on the road fulltime as of the 16th of September, super excited!
    (Our Travelling Kingdom)

    We would love to grab the $10 discount voucher for the housesitting registration please 🙂

    Trish & Paul

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